
*Disclaimer; All work produced in this skinspiration blog is owned by Nicole Webb, with copyrights to La Beauté Ltd.

Inflame-ageing; it maybe a new word that has recently been coined but the meaning behind it has been occurring for a long time.
Inflame-ageing refers to the ageing that is caused through the presence of chronic inflammation. 

Inflammation is our body’s first response to an infection, irritation or injury and it is our bodies vital defence mechanism to ensure our survival and stimulate the healing process. Inflammation can be signalled by the following signs;
·     Pain
·     Heat 
·     Redness
·     Swelling
·     Loss of function

Traditional inflammation is not a bad thing, actually its vital but it can become a negative when it becomes prolonged, this is known as chronic inflammation and this is where inflame-ageing occurs. 

If an area is exposed to prolonged periods of inflammation the site becomes flooded with cell-damaging free radicals. These free radical then attack the skin structures at the site of inflammation and subsequently contribute, and advance the ageing process beyond the biological skin age. 

We only need to observe a skin that has been subjected to a prolonged period of inflammation from the likes of eczema or rosacea to witness the change in the formation of the skin structure. 

But how do you stop inflame-ageing. The simple answer to a challenging equation is; the gut. 
It has been discovered in recent times that if you have an unbalanced gut, you have an unbalanced skin. This is because; 1/3 of your blood is made up from fluid that has leaked from the gut via the gut walls into the blood stream. It then travels around the body. If the gut fluid is not ‘healthy’ then it creates your blood to be ‘unhealthy’ and this can then create inflammation.

Our skin is often a window into what is occurring internally, if you have symptoms of chronic inflammation – inflame-ageing – then you need to assess your gut health (coming to see someone like me to further help and support).

Types of chronic inflammation / inflame-ageing in the skin;
·     Eczema
·     Rosacea
·     Acne
·     Bacteria / fungal / viral infection
·     Dermatitis
·     Redness / visible capillaries
·     Peri-oral / Peri-ocular dermatitis 
·     Psoriasis
·     Pigmentation unrelated to UV